2nd AIAC 2024

Dear All,

The 2nd ASEAN International Acoustics Conference is organized by the Association of Acoustics and Vibration Indonesia (AAVI) as a part of the ASEAN Acoustics Commission (AAC) Seminar Series. This conference will run in a fully online mode to allow you to join from anywhere while providing an excellent opportunity for the scientists, researchers, and engineers affiliated with this field to share their latest scientific achievements and technological developments as well as exchanging ideas and information in different areas of Acoustics and Vibrations. The program features contributed oral presentations and two technical workshops covering Acoustic emission and Multichannel measurement systems.

We invite all professionals and academicians working in acoustics and vibration and those interested in this field to submit extended abstracts by October 31st, 2024. It is not required to submit a full paper for presentation in the parallel session.



  • Physical Acoustics & Elastic Waves
  • Measurement Methods 
  • Modeling & Simulation Techniques
  • Vibro-acoustics & Structure-Borne Noise 
  • Signal Processing, Reproduction & Diagnostics
  • Aero- & Thermo-Acoustics
  • Active Systems for Noise & Vibration Control


  • Aircraft Noise 
  • Ground Transportation and Industrial Noise and Vibration
  • Underwater, Ship & Offshore Acoustics 
  • Flow-induced Noise & Vibrations 


  • Building & Room Acoustics
  • Outdoor Sound Propagation 
  • Materials & Passive Treatments 
  • Bioacoustics


  • Community Noise & Health
  • Soundscape
  • Perceptual Evaluation of Sounds and Product Noise


  • Art, Music & Science 
  • Education & Popularization


Extended abstract can be sent to conference@aavi-id.org

Day 1

Monday, 2 December 2024 
start end duration Day 1: Workshop 
08:00 08:15 00:15 Preparation, Registration, Commercial Info 
08:15 08:30 00:15 Opening speech by AAVI President 
08:30 09:30 01:00 Workshop I: Acoustic Emission by Mr. Andreas M Pelapelapon, PhD, PE, MemASME,MemIEEE 
09:30 10:15 00:45 Discussion 
10:15 11:15 01:00 Workshop II: Noise Vibration Harshness in Automotive by Teknik Fisika ITB 
11:15 12:00 00:45 Discussion 
12:00 13:30 01:30 Lunch Break 
13:30 14:00 00:30 Opening session  
14:00 15:00 01:00  Workshop III: The Hybrid NVH Modeling Approach by Head Acoustics 
15:00 15:45 00:45 Discussion 
15:45 16:00 00:15 Closing 

Day 2

start end duration Day 2: Technical Session
10:00 10:15 00:15 Opening session: Moderator Iwan Prasetiyo 
10:15 10:30 00:15 Progress on the use of vegetation for noise control in urban environment 
Iwan Prasetiyo 
10:30 10:45 00:15 Analysis of the influence of composite sandwich panel arrangement on banana abaka fiber/gypsum board on sound transmission loss using INSUL 9.0 simulation approach 
Bilqia Mafaz 
10:45 11:00 00:15 Development Of Electric Motor Sound on Enhancing Awareness and  Comfort for Pedestrian Safety 
Muhammad Alvaro Haston  
11:00 11:15 00:15 Evaluating the Sound Absorption of Climbing Plants in Substrate-Free Green Facades 
Iffah Haziqah Binti Redzuan 
11:15 11:30 00:15 Analysis of Suitability of Room Reverberation Time Standards According to SNI 03-6386:2000 for Indonesian Building Designs 
Herwin Suryadi Gunawan 
11:30 11:45 00:15 From Soundscapes to Multisensory Perspectives: Progress and Insights from Case Studies Across Indoor and Outdoor Spaces 
Amanda Nitidara 
11:45 13:00 01:15 Lunch Break 
13:00 13:15 00:15 Opening session; Moderator: Anugrah Sabdono 
13:15 13:30 00:15 The implementation of environment noise standard in Indonesia: Present and Future Challenges 
Anugrah Sabdono 
13:30 13:45 00:15  
13:45 14:00 00:15 Preliminary Result of an Active Noise Canceling System Application in a Small Room 
Denny Hermawanto 
14:00 14:15 00:15 Comparison of noise impact assessment method:  an investigation of British standard and Southeast Asia countries 
Punyakorn Sourachai 
14:15 14:30 00:15 Numerical modelling of low-frequency transient sound propagation and vibration in buildings 
Indra Sihar 
14:30 14:45 00:15  
Andy Chung 
14:45 15:00 00:15 Measuring speech intelligibility with a handheld meter using the STIPA and Full STI method 
Sander van Wijngaarden 
15:00 15:15 00:15 Closing